Check out the incentives and donate below!
Receive updates from the film's production and a private screening link once it's ready for the world!
Updates from film production
Private screening link of movie
As well as a private screening link and updates, you will get a personalized RESTAURANT RECOMMENDATIONS list for any place of your choice. The filmmaker will send you a short list of where to eat (and maybe even what to order) at any city you choose.
Private screening link & updates
Restaurant recommendations in a city of your choosing
If you tell us about a problem you're having or you need some wisdom, I will ask my mum to give you advice. It'll be short, to the point, and you DO NOT have to listen to it. Just donate, leave your email, and you will get a Whatsapp screenshot with a translation from Turkish.
Motherly advice from the filmmaker's own mum
Updates from the film's production
Private screening link of movie
As well as Motherly Advice and a private screening link, you will also get a 'Three Meals' official recipe booklet! This will feature the recipes for the titular three meals featured in the short film. They'll be my very own mother's Turkish recipes, and I'll try my best to quantify the measurements beyond 'just a pinch' etc.
Motherly Advice
Private screening link & updates
'Three Meals' recipe booklet
As well as the booklet and a private screening link, you will also get the film's poster designed by GUAVABABA.
Private screening link & updates
'Three Meals' recipe booklet
'Three Meals' 14 x 17 inch movie poster print signed by Pelin Keskin-Liu
As well as a booklet and poster, you’ll get an exclusive photo booklet of our set over the two days of shoots!
Exclusive look at behind-the-scenes of the film set
Private screening link & updates
Thank you for being so wonderful - you get the mother bundle, as well as 'Co-Producer' credit in the IMDb of the movie!
Motherly Advice
Private screening link & updates
'Three Meals' recipe booklet
Signed film poster
'Co-Producer' credit in the IMDb of the movie
You will get earlier access to seeing the final cut of the film, a Zoom with the filmmaker to chat about the film and 'Co-Executive Producer' credit in the IMDb of the movie!
Early access to private screening link
Zoom chat with the filmmaker
'Co-Executive Producer' credit on IMDb of movie
You will be amongst the first few people that get a private screening link before anyone else, and you will be a 'Sponsoring Executive Producer' on the IMDb page of the movie! In addition to this, you can also chat to the filmmaker over Zoom to talk about her inspiration, process, and how it's going in the post-production stage.
Early access to private screening link
'Sponsoring Executive Producer' credit in the IMDb page of movie
Zoom with filmmaker
Choose your donation option and include your details in the description