"Three Meals" is about the unique nature of the mother-daughter relationship, the conflicts that arise in that dynamic - caregiving, love vs resentment, honor & burden - and the hard choices that come with it. A personal story to me, I hope this film resonates with daughters, mothers and caregivers.


As a writer and director, I always want to explore how life is composed of two truths at all times. 

Since moving out of home, I have often wondered what my own mother’s journey might have looked like if her life didn’t take the path it did. At the age of 20, she went from daughter, to wife and then mother, all in rapid succession. Life is a series of choices, and I know that for many women, it feels difficult to make them when the burden of responsibility is often theirs to keep. Now, in my early 30's, I see my own divergent path mirroring certain aspects of my mother's own trajectory, and my desire to engage with the truths and contradictions we face as women, daughters and mothers has lit a fire in me to tell stories we seldom see given new perspectives. This is the genesis of "Three Meals" and interrogating the question that always hangs in the air; who are we without our roles?

When I talk to my mother now—as a fellow adult—it becomes clearer to us both that we live in two different realities because of the choices she made for me, as well as the choices I've made for myself. As an adolescent, this was the source of tension, but as I’ve settled into my adulthood I’ve developed a tenderness and melancholy that I know rings true for many daughters.

As a filmmaker, we use visual storytelling, through metaphors, dialogue and light and shadow to drive at these truths. Using food as a filmic device allows me to showcase an iteration of the first tangible power dynamic we learn as humans; relying on your mother to feed you. In my own career, I've been focused on documentary filmwork for the last near-decade, but my love of narrative film and the opportunity to launch my artistic voice in that realm is an exciting prospect. "Three Meals" came to me very naturally, and while semi-biographical, my aim is to make a film about the universal, shared experience many women have in the journey of life.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the three meals that ground this film, and allows me to showcase some of the beautiful Turkish food I grew up eating, and continue to eat today.


With my background in shooting short docs for Eater, I hope to have the opportunity to shoot food in an even more beautiful, cinematic way. In addition, the relationship between the two women is similar to that of Lady Bird and her mother - frustration, miscommunication, deep love and admiration all mixed together. Finally, Certain Women by Kelly Reichardt was shot on 16mm and had such beautiful texture of look and feel, and I hope to emulate the look of the film itself to that. Eric Rohmer is a huge influence on me, and I hope the emulate his style with the pairing of 16mm film and beautiful production design.

We will be shooting on a stock of film that will be more vibrant in color, more crisp, in order to make the film itself sing and capture the wonderful colors of the food, the beauty of the domesticity and crystallize the intimacy between the two women.

I want to work closely with my DP to ensure we have a film that looks incredible, and using 16mm film will help us achieve this. Have you ever seen "Heat" or "The Matrix?" Do you know why it looks that good, years later? It’s because it was shot on film! It elevates and makes each frame feel so cinematic, and it's an exciting medium for any filmmaker to work with. It is costlier than shooting on digital, but I believe the cost is worth it. I thank you all immensely for contributing to make this film look as beautiful as it can be. 


It is only fitting that the first short film I make is a love letter to the most important person in my life with the nuances that only her and I can understand. We are Turkish women, where care-work is part-and-parcel of our lives at some point, and I wanted to represent my culture as well as my lived experience. In addition to this, I wanted to tell a deeply universal story about one of the most thorny relationships many of us will ever have. I hope to commit the rest of my time on earth to filmmaking, and you would be contributing to the very first step in helping make this dream happen. I cannot wait to tell stories about women, female relationships, intimacy, power, and so much more.

It was also very important for me to work with a predominantly female crew. We have all bonded over our own relationships with our mothers, and I truly believe that it is the lifeblood of this film. We emotionally understand what this film is about, and are bringing our technical knowledge to aptly communicate the emotional core of each scene.

To create "Three Meals," it’s a true partnership between the UK and US. I've partnered with A+M Creative, an independent film production shop, to underwrite this film and with the help of the skilled filmworkers we'll employ on the project, our goal will be to raise funds to produce a quality, shot-on-film short that will act as my debut in the field of narrative filmmaking, while also honouring the themes, stories and people who inspired this project.

With your support, we'll be able to create something emotionally resonant and unique, and hopefully it will connect with a wide audience who will see some part of themselves in this story. I deeply appreciate all who can donate, and even if it's small, sharing and spreading the word of this campaign is as good as gold in our books.

Thank you so much and I can't wait to share "Three Meals" with you all on the other side of this process!